CM Computer Diagnostic

Diagnostics of errors and problems on computers and servers


The solution CUSTOMER MONITOR is an important assistant at solving problems with computers and servers. It helps to define, verify, exclude sources of origin of many error states and thereby significantly shortens the time needed for the repair. Below we present examples, where exactly can CM be used. The final verdict on the error usually depends on the Technician and he definitely has to consider the chronology of events, information from different parts of CM and other sources.

List of examples for diagnostics with the help of CM :

Slow Running Computer
Long booting of computer
Slow response when browsing websites
Decaying connection with LAN server or in Cloud
Computer freezes
Defective drive
Defective source (in servers only)
Defective RAM (in servers only)
Outage of Internet connection
Spontaneous restarts
An error causing a record in Eventlog
An error causing a change of a file
Blue screen (BSOD)


Slow running computer

Long computer booting

Slow response at browsing websites -

Decaying connection with LAN server or in Cloud

Computer freezing

Defective drive


Defective source (in servers only)

Defective memory (in servers only)

Outage of Internet connection

Spontaneous restarts

An error causing a record in the Eventlog

An error causing a change of a file

Blue screen (BSOD)

  • The circumstances of occurence of the Blue screen (BSOD – Blue Screen Of Death) may be solved using C-Monitor functionalities, if you already have a hypothesis of its occurence. For instance, you need to confirm or exclude a certain system configuration/operation. The actual archivation is not solved in CM, as there are free programs available for their accessing, one of them is the program BlueScreenView.
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