Major upgrade to new CM version 2.7
Main Features
- New CDESK calendar (SK) - new, more transparent version of calendar with new functions
- Synchronization with MS Exchange (SK) - sync. of CDESK calendar with MS Exchange (Outlook)
- EventAnalyser (SK) - utility for monitoring and quick event analysis on WINDOWS OS
- Summary report of service with CM (SK) - review reflecting the quality of service provided with CM
New Features
> CUSTOMER MONITOR (server) - new functions
Monitoring functions for terminal servers (SK) - complemented with an Online information and Watches notices about processes which are using too much of RAM, CPU with sorting to specific users.
Connecting to computers with installed TeamViewer v.8. and 9. - extension of current versions, which were not recognized and the TeamViewerQS was not able to be executed, i.e. currently there is working remote connection to PC via CM server with running TeamViewer in versions 6.,7.,8.,9.
Time limitation of counting the transfered data in Internet bandwith monitoring (SK) - exclusion of times, in which the monitoring of internet transmissions should not be evaluated.
> CDESK - new functions
- Planning with terms allocation (SK) - assigning the exact time interval to request solution, confirmation of terms by customers.
- Noticeboard woth offers and notices in initial overview (SK) - new space to spread the information for operators.
- Customer's account as a solver (SK) - new option Solver of CDESK requests adds more operator's functions to Customer's account.
- Contacts (SK) - new particular evidence of company's contacts.
- Hiding of fulfillments from customers (SK) - using the hidden invoice items.
- Optional filers in requests list (SK) - option to define various personal filters and their sharing with other operators.
- Marking the requests waiting for response with icons (SK) – tool for reducing the response time and improving the quality of your services.
- Preferred requests list (SK) - making the list more synoptic by time importance.
- New switchable statuses for requests and measured times within the meaning of ITIL (SK)
- New discussion functions (SK) - html support, signatures, simplified format.
- Optional recipients of discussion posts (SK) - recipients are always displayed, it's possible to quickly edit, delete and add them in discussion.
- Improved filtering and searching in fulfillments list (SK) - filtering by request's type, service area and computer's location.
- Quick creation of customer, partner (SK) - more comfortable and faster entering of new customers, partners and their contacts.
- Optional authorization by superior worker for Easyclick requests (SK) - every new request is authorized before its saving by person with valid access into CDESK portal.
- Internet bandwith monitor for x64 systems WIN XP, VISTA, 7, 2008 (SK) - (Windows 8, 2012 will be soon). With current update you can already monitor the internet transmission also on 64bit systems.
- vmware ESX plugin Host health status (SK) - new method of HW servers health control.
New Watches templates for small NAS (SK) - These templates are helping you to monitor the status of backup devices of QNAP and Synology types.
New template for Eaton/MGE UPS - templates can be found in C-MonitorConsole in Wizard for adding the Watches, part Health of systems, Preddefined health templates.
Extension of ESET 7th gen antivirus products detection - added detailed information about status of products ESET Endpoint Antivirus 7, Endpoint Security 7 for Windows in Zone "Antivirus".
Setting of time for transforming the periodical task into request (SK) - adjusting the creation of request from periodical task.
Changes and Updates
- Data relocation inside the request (SK) - New deployment for better orientation in request and more suitable positioning of specific data by importance.
- Changed subject of email message in notification from request - request number is at the end of subject with správy along with new customer's code, Shortened actions description (e.g. change = -> ...)
- Changes in notes for solver (i.e. discussion with exclusion of customer) (SK) - Notes for solver are moved to lower part of request over the discussion. Note for solver is also displayed in discussion thread in chronological order as it was entered.
Changes and extensions in Customer account's settings (SK) - Activation of notifications was extended and is under the Customer account's Profile, tab Customers.
C-Backup - fix of virtual machines backup on Hyper-V
In previous version of C-Backup, there was a program component for controling the status of OS virtual machine missing by mistake, it caused the backup not successful.