Major upgrade to new CM version 2.7

Main Features

New Features

> CUSTOMER MONITOR (server) - new functions

  • Monitoring functions for terminal servers (SK) - complemented with an Online information and Watches notices about processes which are using too much of RAM, CPU with sorting to specific users.

  • Connecting to computers with installed TeamViewer v.8. and 9. - extension of current versions, which were not recognized and the TeamViewerQS was not able to be executed, i.e. currently there is working remote connection to PC via CM server with running TeamViewer in versions 6.,7.,8.,9.

  • Time limitation of counting the transfered data in Internet bandwith monitoring (SK) - exclusion of times, in which the monitoring of internet transmissions should not be evaluated.

> CDESK - new functions

> C-MONITOR  WIN client - new functions

Changes and Updates

> CDESK - Changes and improvements


  • C-Backup -  fix of virtual machines backup on Hyper-V
    In previous version of C-Backup, there was a program component for controling the status of OS virtual machine missing by mistake, it caused the backup not successful.