Small CM update, CDESK server to version 2.8

Main change is a new environment design

Below you can find out about the new functions and changes. More new functions with full text and webpages update will be published in May this year.

Selection of new functions and changes in the "small" update

The first stage of portal redesigning

  • New graphic left menu with an option to select Favourite menu
  • Stronger resolution of the two products  CDESK and CM
  • Range of redesigning in the first stage

New functions for requests, fulfillments

  • Optional columns in the list of requests
  • New confirmation of fulfillments
  • Addition of fulfillments via month calendar
  • Separate form for requests

Tasks - new feature for monitoring of simple acts and time allocation

  • Importance of tasks in CDESK
  • Entering methods
    • Via list of tasks
    • Addition of task through request
    • Addition of task through Planning calendar

Moved links for My profile and Logout

  • Each logged operator has direct access to his profile settings by clicking on his name in the top right corner of the screen. There's also a link for logout from the system.

Other new functions are going to be described in the major update on 5/2015.
New C-Monitor client version for Windows will be released next week.


Description of significant improvements

The first stage of redesigning CDESK environment

graphic changes in the interface directed towards more user-friendly view and more intuitive layout of control elements

New left menu

  • The new left menu is with separated sections and an option to set custom favourite items
  • Left menu is distinguished by color according to type of the used product. Individual items and modules have been grouped into sections, between which you can easily switch.
  • The menu can be narrowed into packed mode, either by the closing arrow, or by double clicking on each section.
  • Most used functions can be added into the Favourite section, which is always on top of the menu. From here you can access functions directly, with no need to browse between sections and products

New menu - 1.Full size  2.Packed mode   3.Packed Favourites

Image: Nové menu - 1.Plná veľkosť 2.Zbalený režim 3.Zbalené Obľúbené

Highlighted resolution of products CDESK and CM on the portal

New colors have been applied in the modules. Blue is for sections that belong mainly to CM (Customer Monitor) and orange is for CDESK. Also, the tab  Presentation and evaluation  has been renamed to CM IT monitoring.

Range of redesigning in the first stage

The graphic redesign was yet applied to CDESK -> Requests, Planning calendar, Customers, Admin zone -> Customers (settings). My profile and logout link have been moved under the logged operator's name in the top right corner of the screen.

List of requests with the new graphics

Image: Zoznam požiadaviek s novou grafikou


New functions for requests

Management of column visibility in the list of requests

For faster orientation, it's now possible to hide and show columns with information in the list of requests.

Hideable columns in the list of requests

Image: Skrývateľné stĺpce v zozname požiadaviek

Confirmation of workers' fulfillments by a superior person

The person responsible for confirmation of their inferior workers' fulfillments can now bulkly confirm, edit, decline, or comment on them. All records can be filtered freely and exported to excel.

Confirmation of operator fulfillments

Image: Schvaľovanie plnení operátorov

Transparent addition of fulfillments in month calendar

A function for faster display of table of all days in month with entered fulfillments and an option to add fulfillments for specific days. A customer is selected at the addition, as well as a few of his requests, and the additional data will be then entered in a new form.

Addition of fulfillments to month calendar

Image: Pridávanie plnení do mesačného kalendára

Addition of fulfillments in request through a separate form

The new way of entering fulfillments in a request opens up an option to add several fulfillments in a row using the full or the simple form. An unfinished fulfillment is saved continuously and it can be found in each request in unfinished fulfillments.

New form for adding fulfillments in request - simplified / full

Image: Nový formulár pre pridávanie plnení v požiadavke - zjednodušený / úplný


Tasks - creation and monitoring of partial acts, reservation of specific times, planning of meeting

Importance of tasks in CDESK

In contrast to the requests, where we are counting SLA terms, monitorng exact statuses, categorizing it for statistics and purposes of workflow management, the Task is singificantly simpler element. Tasks are monitoring the tasks' fulfilling or employee's occupancy, who may enter various notes and reminders in it. There is also an option of creating meetings with participants which can confirm or refuse their presence.

Ways of creating tasks

Tasks can be created separately, or assigned to request, in which they can always be found. A task may serve to divide a request to smaller partial jobs or captures the process of communication with the customer more coherently.

  • Addition of task directly via List of tasks – creation of separate tasks, or binding to a certain request by selecting the specific request's customer
  • Addition of task via request, which it's going to be bound with
  • Addition of task directly in Planning calendar

The list of task is accessible from the left menu.

List of Tasks

Image: Zoznam Úloh

List of tasks in request, which they're bound to. Here they can be easily created.

View of Tasks assigned to Request

Image: Zobrazenie Úloh priradených v Požiadavke

Tasks can be displayed, added and edited directly in the Planning calendar as well. A form will appear after clicking on a specific time.

Addition of tasks in the Planning calendar

Image: Pridávanie úloh v Plánovacom kalendári

Types of task

  • Meeting -  Gives an option to add participants of the meeting into the task. Each participant is able to express their participation – this information is displayed in the task's detail.
  • Simple task – serves to fast entry of what you need to do, has less parameters than a request, tracks deadline, can have a solver, as well as assistant solvers, and an option to change status
  • Note – offers an option to write down various notes into calendar, doesn't have status, nor assistant solver

Meeting task with confirmation of attendance

A task of the type Meeting with confirmation of attendance of individual selected participants

Image: Úloha typu schôdzka s potvrdzovaním účasti jednotlivých vybraných účastníkov